First Time To Whorton Bend Baptist Church?
If you are visiting Whorton Bend Baptist Church for the first time, this is the place to start. We welcome you to worship with us!
Service Times
Sunday School 9:30 AM
Worship 10:30 AM
Bible Study 6:00 PM
Student Ministry 6:20 PM

We have designated parking spaces at the front door of the church for first-time guests and you are welcome to park there.
What Do I Wear?
We encourage you to come as you are! We do not have a dress code. We see the men wearing slacks, jeans, shorts, button-up shirts, t-shirts and polo shirts. The women usually wear pants, jeans, skirts, dresses, t-shirts, tops and shirts. It’s not the clothes that the Lord looks at, but it is the people inside the clothes that He loves.
What Should I Expect In Worship Service?
When you walk in the front door, have a seat anywhere you like. You will enjoy a mix of hymnal and contemporary music performed by our praise team. Our Pastor Joey Jones will deliver the message. First-time guests are invited to meet the Pastor to answer any questions you may have.
Should I Give Money?
Please do not feel any obligation to give; you are our guest. We believe what the Bible says about giving: 2 Corinthians 9:7.
What Is Available For My Children?
During church service, after initial worship, the children in the church go to Children’s Church or the Nursery. During Children’s Church, children learn Bible stories and eat snacks. Our Children’s Church is filled with loving volunteers to care for your children from newborns up to toddlers, under the supervision of Kristi Christopher. When worship service is finished, you will pick up your children in the Kid’s Zone.
Are My Children Safe?
At Whorton Bend Baptist Church, we take your children’s safety and security very seriously and make every effort to ensure your peace of mind. Kristi Christopher, the Children’s Church Administrator, is certified in Children’s Ministry from Kidmin Academy. Our background checked and trained children’s volunteers are some of our members of the church.